When a person's eyesight deteriorates, he first thinks about whether it is possible to recover without surgery. Correction is considered by many as a last resort - and this is not surprising, since any surgery involves a serious load on the body.
In fact, you can improve your vision - but only if you have a low degree of pathology. In addition, many changes are due to severe stress and chronic fatigue. It is worth fighting them at least to return the eyes to normal.
What are the effective methods for restoring vision, why it can get worse, where to start if you want to heal - we will tell you in more detail.
The main causes of visual impairment

Before choosing the right eye exercises to improve your vision, you need to understand why you started to see worse. There are many of them and they are all divided into two groups: innate and acquired.
Congenital causes:
- hereditary predisposition;
- prematurity;
- congenital pathologies and defects of the eyes.
In such cases, severe visual impairment can be prevented. Usually from childhood it becomes clear that the child does not see as well as he could - and then it should be shown to a specialist, and also do eye exercises to restore vision. The best exercises, of course, will be chosen by the doctor.
Acquired reasons:
- problems with the spine - they tend to impede blood circulation in the head and eyes and therefore the person begins to see worse;
- constant overload - only from them eye massage helps very well, especially if you often work on a computer;
- bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol also negatively affect blood circulation;
- constant violation of the rules of eye hygiene;
- pathologies of infectious nature;
- injuries and other damage to the eyes;
- malnutrition - lack of vitamins also adversely affects vision.
Eye gymnastics to improve vision is far from the only method of recovery. There are others and they are likely to suit you better. Each case is individual - and to find out what methods will help you return your vision to its previous sharpness, it is better to contact a specialist.
Orthopedic methods

The most popular category is wearing glasses and contact lenses. For some, only the first option is suitable and the lenses look uncomfortable, while others feel more than good in them.
What kind of glasses or lenses to choose depends directly on the sharpness of your vision. For example, for some, reading glasses or computer work are enough, which do not have to be worn constantly.
Recovery through eye muscle training

These are exactly the exercises for the eyes to restore vision. This technique is considered one of the most effective - and not by chance: properly selected gymnastics helps both those who just overload regularly and people with congenital pathologies.
Among the exercises the most popular and effective are the following:
- strengthening the eye muscles - for this you need to roll your eyes, blink loudly, and also look from right to left and from top to bottom;
- ciliary eye muscle training - first you have to look at the nearby object and then look sharply into the distance;
- Eye massage - soft and gentle, it best helps to relax after a day in front of the computer.
Medical methods

A good option if you choose the right medicine that will support your visual system and ultimately help restore vision to its previous sharpness. In most cases, the drugs are prescribed to patients with myopia, farsightedness, glaucoma and cataracts.
You may also be prescribed medication simply as a preventative measure - for example, if your work involves a lot of eye strain, but it still doesn't get worse.
Surgical methods

Laser vision restoration is a quick and effective operation. It takes only 7-10 minutes and it turns out that very soon he will return to his previous way of life. Of course, such measures are taken when other methods are useless - but you can be sure that the result will exceed all expectations.